I pasted a chart of killing temperatures for tree fruit. For more information, see UK publication "Midwest Tree Fruit Spray Guide" ID-92 or click on the chart below.
Nicole Ward Gauthier, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
What You May Not Know about Fire Blight
Fire blight can be a devastating bacterial disease of apple,
crabapple, pear, and flowering pear, but disease epidemics are often sporadic. In fact, optimal conditions must be met for
severe disease to occur. Our current
conditions are an indication that fire blight may be severe this spring.
Erwinia amylovora
infects trees through flowers. However,
large numbers of bacterial cells must be present during flowering in order for the
disease to develop into an epidemic. The
fire blight pathogen favors rain and temperatures above 60˚F. Under these conditions, bacterial cells
multiply quickly. Thus, if conditions
are favorable during flowering, infection can be severe.
Predictive systems
are available for growers. University
of Kentucky’s Cougarblight model evaluates the potential for infection by
analyzing temperature and leaf wetness data from the previous four days in
order to estimate potential risk for infection.
Trees must be in bloom for this predictor to be effective. Cougarblight is an excellent decision-making
tool for growers and can be accessed at http://wwwagwx.ca.uky.edu/plant_disease.html
Most growers are familiar with shoot blight, the most
obvious fire blight symptom in which infected shoots die quickly, causing
branch tips to form a distinct crook (photo). Shoot blight, however, does not result from infection
of blossoms. Direct penetration of
bacteria into green shoots or the upper leaves of young shoots after bloom
typically causes shoot blight symptoms.
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Blighting of shoots, also called shepherd's crook, is the most recognized symptom of fire blight on apple. |
Initial fire blight
infections occur through flowers. We
call this symptom blossom blight. Petal
browning is the first sign of petal blight, but many growers do not notice
it. Browning of pedicels (stems that
attach flowers to stems) follows. Often,
droplets of bacterial ooze can be seen coming from pedicels (photo). Bacteria
quickly travel down the spur and into the twig.
Cankers that form around the spur-attachment site girdle branches, and
then branch parts above the canker also die (photo).
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Initial infection by the fire blight pathogen occurs through blossoms. Notice bacterial ooze come from the pedicel. |
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Bacteria can spread through flowers and spurs into twigs. Resulting cankers can girdle entire limbs and branches. |
Fire blight control
measures include anti-bacterial pesticides applied during bloom. Applications made after bloom are
ineffective. When fire blight risk is
high (warm temperatures combined with rain) during bloom or if fire blight was
a problem last year, the following spray schedule should be followed:
Apply fixed copper at silver tip. Homeowners should not skip this step, as it
is their only tool available to combat fire blight. Do not use copper fungicides after bud break.
Apply streptomycin beginning at pink stage,
repeating every 4-5 days, through petal fall.
At least 2 applications are required, but up to 4 sprays may be applied,
depending on rain and temperature conditions.
Pay extra attention to susceptible varieties (i.e. Gala, Jonathan, and Rome). Utilize Cougarblight or MARYBLIGHT predictive
systems for assistance. Mycoshield
(oxytetracycline) is also available for management of fire blight but is not as
effective as streptomycin. Neither
product is recommended for homeowner use.
Various cultural practices may be implemented to aid in
disease management. Combine these practices
with bactericide sprays above for best control.
Select disease resistant or disease tolerant
varieties. Liberty, Pricilla, SirPrize,
Enterprise, Gold Rush, and Sundance are recommendations from ID-21.
Prune last year’s cankers and dead wood before
bud break. Burn, bury, or completely
remove prunings from the orchard to eliminate the possibility of bacterial
cells being carried back to healthy tissue.
Monitor predictive systems. Know
your risk. Cool temperatures or no
rainfall will result in low disease incidence.
Remove flower/fruit spurs immediately after
symptoms develop so bacteria cannot continue infection into branches. Dip tools in 10% bleach, 10% Lysol
concentrate, or pure rubbing alcohol after each cut to keep from spreading
Do not prune limbs or branches during the
growing season. Trees natural defenses
wall off infection sites and stop disease spread. Remove these branches during the dormant season,
instead, when threat of disease spread is lowest. Removal of all infected wood is critical to
prevent spread of inoculum.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Cedar Rusts Threaten Apple
Thanks to this beautiful weather, cedar rust galls are developing. As galls swell, they produce spores that threaten
apple (and sometimes crabapple and hawthorn).
Images of swelling
galls were taken from cedar in Lexington on Monday March 19. Warmer temperatures in western KY allowed
even earlier gall development.
These galls indicate that rust pathogens are releasing, or
are preparing to release, infective spores. Growers
should protect trees with fungicides that are proven to be effective against rusts (listed below). Once diseases symptoms develop on apple, it
is often too late for control.
Here in Kentucky, 3 types of cedar rusts affect apple:
Cedar-apple rust produces large brown galls on
cedar and other species of Juniperus. Soon after a rain, galls produce slimy yellow
or orange “horns” that are made up of infective spores (basidiospores). These spores immediately infect apple. Upon infection, the disease causes yellowish
leaf spots with red rings (called halos).
Leaf yellowing and leaf drop follow.
Infected fruit develop large spots near the calyx end. These fruit are often stunted and may drop
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Gall beginning to form "horns." |
Cedar-quince rust produces orange swellings on
twigs. Spores produced in these slimy
lesions affect apple fruit, but not leaves.
Infection of blooms and young fruit occurs early in the season, but
symptoms do not develop until fruit mature.
Diseased fruit are puckered and have spongy lesions at the calyx end.
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Sometimes growers must look closely to recognize rusts, so scouting is important. |
Cedar-hawthorn rust forms galls similar to
those of cedar-apple rust, only smaller. Spores produced
from short “horns” infect apple, crabapple, and hawthorn. Leaf spots on apple appear similar to those
caused by apple cedar rust, and can cause defoliation. Fruit infection is not common.
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Often, many rust types occur on the same tree. |
Fungicides should be used as protectants to prevent rust
pathogens from infecting. After symptoms
develop on apple, it is often too late for control.
Commercial and homeowner fungicide recommendations are
listed below.
Commercial Fungicides for
Management of Rust on
Inspire Super
Boscalid + pyraclostrobin
Homeowner Fungicides for
Management of Rust on
Immunox Multi-purpose
More details for management of cedar rusts can be found in Kentucky
Pest News or PPA-23 (http://www.ca.uky.edu/agc/pubs/ppa/ppa23/ppa23.pdf ).
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Top Tips for
Combatting Crown Gall on Grape
extreme cases, crown gall can overwhelm vines or trunks.
Severely diseased vines such as this one
should be removed immediately.
Crown gall disease of grape is caused by the bacterium Agrobactgerium vitis (A. tumefaciens biovar 3). Infection and colonization of grape vines by
this bacterium are best prevented by cultural practices, which are critical for
prevention of crown gall disease.
Crown gall symptoms are characterized by distinct tumor-like
overgrowths on roots, trunks, and vines.
New galls that form during early summer are light-colored, but they turn
dry and corky by late summer. Expansion
of galls results in girdling of vines and roots. Suppression of water and nutrient uptake by
galls can lead to either rapid vine death or gradual dieback and susceptibility
of adverse environmental conditions.
Crown gall bacteria are soilborne, but they survive indefinitely
in diseased plants. Infected tissue
serves as reservoirs for bacterial cells that can infect other plant parts or
healthy plants.
Practice sanitation, remove all cuttings from vineyards immediately
after pruning.
Remove diseased vines. Remove
as much of the rootstock as possible, as bacteria survive for long periods in
root fragments.
Sometimes cutting out diseased wood is effective, but bacteria are
systemic (they colonize entire plant vascular systems). Removing all sources of inoculum is highly
recommended, but removing entire vines is not always possible. If vines are trained with two trunks, a
diseased section can be removed while the other section remains productive.
The crown gall bacterium enters through wounds, such as bark
cracks caused by freeze damage. In fact,
Vitis vinifera, or French
varieties, are most susceptible to cold injury and are therefore most
susceptible to crown gall disease.
Protect graft unions from winter injury. Freeze wounds are the primary sites of entry,
and V. vinefera are extremely
susceptible to freeze injury.
Insect wounds are also ideal openings, so control of phylloxera
and other insects can reduce numbers of these entry points.
Beware mechanical damage (string trimmers and other equipment). Again, the crown gall bacterium requires wound
sites to enter plant tissue.
Once established, bacterial cells ooze from galls on plants. These cells can be spread by water
splash/runoff, pruners, hands, and mowers. Simply touching an oozing wound
provides inoculum for the next surface.
Sanitize pruners after each cut when pruning infected plants. A 10% bleach or 10% Lysol solution in a small
bucket makes a great dip.
Limit overhead irrigation to reduce splash and runoff of any kind.
Start with clean stock. Use
reputable suppliers. This step is critical, especially with V.
Bacterium is systemic and can be transferred from mother plants
into cuttings.
Use certified bacterium-free stock. It is worth the money in the long run.
Use disease resistant cultivars, if possible.
V. vinifera are highly
susceptible, while table grapes typically show the lowest disease
Plant highly susceptible cultivars far away from other plants. Segregating plants is worth the effort in
terms of isolating diseased plants and treating diseased ones.
Biological control agents are available for treatment of crown
gall. However, they are not a cure that growers should depend upon.
Agrobacterium radiobacter strain K-84 is effective in reducing
galls in vines infected with some species of Agrobacterium, such as A.
tumefaciens, but it is not effective against A. vitis. Strain 84 is
available as Galltrol A or Norbac 84C and may be used as a pre-plant dip. http://agbiochem.com/Galltrol.aspx
Products such as Gallex can be applied to existing galls on
infected vines (with a paintbrush) in summer or fall to reduce gall formation. http://agbiochem.com/GallEx.aspx. Multiple applications will control, but not
cure, crown gall disease.
Other strains of Agrobacterium, such as A. vitis strain
F2/5 will be released soon. It is being
examined as a protectant and looks promising.
Copper fungicides can be good protectants, especially if used
often. However, some grape cultivars are
sensitive to copper. See Table 14 in the
Midwest Grape Production Guide for a listing.
gall disease can be easy to overlook.
Sometimes it is necessary to peel back bark in order to see small
galls. At this stage, treatment of
established, productive vines may be warranted.
Young infected vines, on the other hand, are often replaced.
Friday, March 2, 2012
3 things you
should know about thousand cankers disease
TCD is fatal to walnut trees. Thousand cankers disease (TCD) is a
fungal-insect complex that infects walnut and butternut. Symptoms begin with yellowing of leaves
during summer. Gradual decline follows
as limbs die. Within 3 years from
symptom development, entire trees die. There
is no treatment for thousand cankers disease (TCD) - no preventative and no
TCD is at our backdoor. The disease has already been detected in
Tennessee, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. TCD
will be devastating if/when it enters our state. Every Kentuckian can help stop the spread by
monitoring local walnut trees. Look for
leaf yellowing or branch “flagging,” as well as overall tree decline. Thinning canopies or dieback from the tops
down is often paired with water sprouts extending from bases of trees. Small, dime to quarter-size cankers form
under bark but may not be detected without peeling back bark.
TCD moves with wood. Small beetles carry the fungus from tree to
tree, but trees are moved by humans.
Reduce the likelihood of transmission of TCD by using locally processed
lumber and firewood. Never move wood
from quarantined areas. Contact
authorities before removing dead or unhealthy walnut trees.
Submit samples of suspected diseased trees to your UK
Extension county agent by following sampling instructions from PPFS-OR-W-15. Additional information on TCD can be found at: NA-PR-02-10
from the National Forest Service, National Pest Alert,
or the photo
gallery at Forestry Images. If you
suspect TCD, contact your local UK Extension agent.
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