Thursday, April 10, 2014

Fungicide Tank-Mixes and Incompatibilities

Common Fungicides Used for Fruit Disease Management
Their Compatibilities and Incompatibilities 

·       Topsin M (thiophanate-methyl, FRAC 1)

o   Do not tank mix with highly alkaline materials such as Bordeaux or lime sulfur

o   Do not tank mix with copper

·       Inspire Super (difenoconazole + cyprodinil, FRAC 3 & 9)

o   Do not tank-mix with surfactants or foliar fertilizers

·       Rally (myclobutanil, FRAC 3)

o   Compatible with oil

o   Stable at a wide range of pH

·       Revus Top (mandipropamid + difenoconazole, FRAC 3 & 40)

o   Do not tank-mix with surfactants or foliar fertilizers

·       Topguard (flutriafol, FRAC 3)

o   Compatible with surfactants

·       Fontelis (penthiopyrad, FRAC 7)

o   Compatible with surfactants and oil

·       Pristine (pyraclostrobin + boscalid, FRAC 7 & 11)

o   Compatible with oil (except on pear)

o   Do not use Pristine + oil on pear

o   Do not use surfactants when applying by air (hops)

·       Scala (pyrimethanil, FRAC 9)

o   Not compatible with captan

·       Vangard (cyprodinil, FRAC 9)

o   Compatible with most tank additives

o   Adjust pH to 5.0 – 7.0 when tank-mixed with Rovral (stone fruit, small fruit)

·       Cabrio (pyraclostrobin, FRAC 11)

o   Compatible with most additives or adjuvants

·       Flint (trifloxystrobin, FRAC 11)

o   Compatible with most insecticides, fungicides, and foliar nutrients

·       Sovran (Kresoxim-methyl, FRAC 11)

o   Can be tank-mixed with most recommended insecticides, fungicides, plant growth regulators, adjuvants, or additives

 ·       Captan (FRAC M)

o   Do not mix with oil or within 4 days of an oil application

o   Do not mix with strongly alkaline materials (reduces fungicidal activity) such as   Bordeaux mixture or lime

o   Phytotoxic to apple when mixed with sulfur

·       Copper (FRAC M)

o   Not compatible with Topsin M

o   Do not apply under cool, slow-drying conditions

o   Do not tank-mix with phosphorus acids

o   Tank-mixing with mancozeb may cause phytotoxicity

·       Dithane (mancozeb, FRAC M)

o   Compatible with most insecticides, fungicides, or growth regulators

·       Polyram (metiram, FRAC M)

o   Spray oils may be needed to achieve consistent control

·       Sulfur (FRAC M)

o   Do not mix with oil or use within 2 weeks of each other

o   Do not mix with Bt

o   Phytotoxic to apple when mixed with captan

o   Do not apply to sensitive crop cultivars

o   Do not use at temperatures above 80˚F

·       Syllit (dodine, FRAC M)

o   Do not mix with Bordeaux or lime

·       Ziram (FRAC M)

o   Compatible with most commonly used adjuvants
Above comments and compatibilities are per label recommendations, thus terminology and language may vary from one product to another.


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